So, I had big day today. A lot happened, and I have some things to think about.
My sister and I left my house this morning for Seattle this morning at 8 a.m. for two reasons:
1) For a job interview at Solid Ground.
2) To visit the Peace Corps Regional Office in Downtown Seattle.
Even though I decided to live at home and save for the Peace Corps, I figured that it couldn't hurt to go to the interview. Besides, most of the jobs I have applied for over the past few months just closed, so it is nice to finally hear back. The interview went really well, and the organization was in a cute Seattle neighborhood. Afterward, Alina and I went to a delicious bakery called Trophy Cupcakes to celebrate.
When we got back in the car to head to the Peace Corps Regional Office, I had a voicemail from another potential employer, the National Eating Disorders Association, requesting an interview for today! They turned out to be located kitty corner from the Peace Corps Office, and I was already dressed in my suit, so I agreed to stop by. I wasn't as impressed by this organization, but I was glad that I got more interviewing experience out of it.
After the second interview, I went to meet with a Peace Corp Recruiter. The woman I spoke with, who incidentally was the recruiter for a friend of mine who left for her volunteer position a few days ago, was REALLY helpful. I learned a lot more about the organization and the volunteer experience, and it even got my sister excited about it! Here are a few of the highlights:
*With my experience, I actually qualify for two categories--Health Extension and Community Development!
*The funding that the Obama Administration put toward volunteer efforts finally passed, so there are a lot of openings right now!
*I could possibly be selected to deploy as early as January-March 2011, instead of July-December 2011 like I had anticipated!
As you can imagine, this was a lot to take in. There are no guarantees, but if I do get selected early next year, I need to be prepared. Subsequently, I have decided to stay at home in Olympia and save money. It's a little frustrating since the fruits of my labor (in regard to Seattle job applications) are just beginning to ripen :( The way I am approaching it is that it might be a good paying job, but if I would not be prepared to accept an invite from the Peace Corps. If I turn an invite down, I get put in the back of the line for deployment, and I may not go for a year or two...and that is not a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
I'm turning in a job application for here in Olympia tomorrow, and I'll be finishing up my Peace Corps application this week. I'm also going to visit a woman that my mother connected me with about potentially getting a local job at a credit union. I had nothing going on for a few months, then suddenly everything is exploding! I guess my fortune was right :)

On a final note, here are is a picture of the birthday cake I made for my brother. It was super delicious, fresh, and light in sugar.
I'll keep you posted on what comes next :)